How to reset your wordpress admin password?
Someone may forget his/her wordpress admin password. It is easy to retrieve password for them by clicking on “Lost your password?” who has their mail() function enable in their site. But who does not have their mail() function enable they will feel bad. For them here is an easy solution :-)
Before proceed remember – “Do you have your server mysql user/password?” :-)
I believe that you have phpMyAdmin tool at your web hosting account. Right?
1. Login in your phpMyAdmin.
2. Select your wordpress database from the drop down on left.
3. Click on “SQL” from Top navigation bar.
4. Write the following query
admin_username - Write your own admin user name in the place of ‘admin_username‘
5. Click on “Go” button.
Now you are ready to go.![:-)](
Do you know any other way to retrieve or reset password? Please let us know by commenting.
This post is taken from my "Amrra - A Technology Blog" . Feel free to visit
Before proceed remember – “Do you have your server mysql user/password?” :-)
I believe that you have phpMyAdmin tool at your web hosting account. Right?
1. Login in your phpMyAdmin.
2. Select your wordpress database from the drop down on left.
3. Click on “SQL” from Top navigation bar.
4. Write the following query
UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5( ‘new_password‘ ) WHERE `wp_users`.`user_login` = “admin_username“;new_password - Write your own password in the place of ‘new_password‘
admin_username - Write your own admin user name in the place of ‘admin_username‘
5. Click on “Go” button.
Now you are ready to go.
Do you know any other way to retrieve or reset password? Please let us know by commenting.
This post is taken from my "Amrra - A Technology Blog" . Feel free to visit